Lower Manair Dam (LMD), Karimnagar

Lower Manair Dam (LMD), Karimnagar

Welcome to Karimnagar Lower Manair DAM (LMD)

Lower Manair Dam situated in Karimnagar District. LMD was opened in 1985.Lower Manair Dam Works started in 1974 and ended in 1985.
LMD is one of most famous tourist place in Karimnagar. Lower Manair Dam is located across the Manair River. The construction of the LMD was started in 1974 and was finished in 1985. The maximum height of the dam is around 27 m and the catchment area of the river is close to 6,475 sq km.

Lower Manair Dam is located across the Manair River. The construction of the LMD was started in 1974 and was finished in 1985. The maximum height of the dam is around 27 m and the catchment area of the river is close to 6,475 sq km.


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