Elgandal Fort is situated on the banks of the Manair River (a tributary of the Godavari River). Located amidst palm groves, it is located approximately 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) from Karimnagar on the Kamareddy Road. It is called as Teen Minar which stands for Three Towers.
Elgandal village is located 15 km away from karimnagar .This is a historical place. The places to visit in Elagandal village include
a) The fort on a hill called as Elagandal khilla
b) Brindavan tank outside the eastern gateway of the fort, built by Zafar-ud-Doula in 1754 A.D., with minarets that oscillate when shaken
c) Dho Minar
DoMinar built by Muslim kings (Nizams), has two tall pillars and the height of the pillars is approximately equal to that of Hyderabad Charminar.